Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Six Months + Update

Charlie has proven to be a poor correspondent (too busy learning new things!) so he's turned the reins, (so to speak, and to mix a metaphor or two) over to Mommy.

Charlie is growing by leaps and bounds! He is crawling like a madman. He no sooner mastered that skill when he decided to start working on pulling up. He can already pull himself up on his shorter musical toys, etc. and tries to pull up on the coffee table -- and our legs. He can sit up pretty well and is learning to push to sitting by himself. He's not crazy about sitting though, as he'd much rather be on the move!

He loves making noises with his mouth, experimenting with different sounds. Completely bored with making spit bubbles, he's moved on to smacking and clacking noises, fake coughing, grunting, and lots of "gah!" with a "bah" and "meh" thrown in to mix things up.

He is an incredibly smiling, happy and good natured baby. If he's awake, he's usually smiling. He's very content to play with his toys, crawl around, and generally explore his world. He loves attention, but he's not a baby that requires constant interaction and attention. He has quite the attention span and capacity for self-amusement, for a six month old.

His favorite toys are anything that plays music (including his older brother), anything that lets him "stand" up (like his Jumperoo and activity center), his blocks, and his box of little toys he can stick in his mouth and practice his hand-holding skills on. He loves his set of crazy plastic balls, and will chase them all over the floor. He and I play "ball" and he does a pretty good job of rolling the ball back to me (even if usually it's by accident).

He's eating solids now and so far has liked everything -- except the infamous avocado, of course. Sweet potatoes and green beans are big favorites, and like his brother, he likes prunes.

He weighs just over 16 pounds, so he's still pretty small -- but wow, is he strong! If he's holding on to something, you're going to have to use some real muscle to pry it out of his grip.

Charlie is quite the charmer. He loves to flirt, and is the master of the slow smile and shy glance under the eyelashes. With his beautiful smile and big, dark eyes, he just melts the hearts of everyone he meets, especially women. They just goo and gush over him. Alex isn't complaining, of course, although he realizes that he is simply Charlie's transportation.

Hard to believe he's almost 7 months old!

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