Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Charlie Pics

Too cool for school.

We went to vacation at MeMe & PapPap's house in NC. Had a great time! See Jake's blog for more details.

Jake and Charlie had a great Independence Day, even though it was really hot. Charlie missed the fireworks...he was fast asleep well before dark!

Charlie loves his MeMe. She even took the baby monitor one night and got up with him all night long. It was the first time I've slept 9 hours in a row in months (feels like years....)

Charlie loves PapPap, too. He liked hanging out in the big recliner as much as his brother Jake always did, although I don't think any tool or parts catalogs were perused during our visit.

Here's Charlie, loving his food!

Charlie's first plane ride! He handled like a seasoned traveller, and pretty much slept most of the trip. The passengers around us all commented on what a cute, good baby he is. Of course!

He's playin' those Baby Blues...

Charlie has excellent musical taste. Here he is listening to our friend Jen Cass's latest...

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