Sunday, August 31, 2008

Last Hurrah

It's a sad time for Mommy -- Charlie is weaning himself.

He used to come into the office every day at lunch to nurse, but lately he's been more interested in looking around than eating. When my milk would let down, he'd pull off and stare, puzzled. I used to nurse him first thing in the morning, but he'd much rather get down on the floor and start playing or pulling up than cuddle or eat. And at night, our favorite time to nurse, he's too hungry and wants a bottle.

Sniff. I would have nursed him at least until he was 12 months old, but I guess he has other plans.


Anonymous said...

Aww, V, you've done an awesome job!! I know this will be a bitter-sweet transition for you. Hugs. Great photo, btw :)

Deb said...

Yay for you both for getting through the transition so smoothly. Lovely picture, I know you'll cherish it.