Thursday, September 18, 2008

Charlie Likes & Dislikes

Here are a few things Charlie likes, not in any particular order:

* Moving as fast as he can, as much as he can
* Going for walks in his stroller
* Chewing on the air conditioning vents
* Banging his head while he drinks his bottle
* Taking the alphabet magnets off the refrigerator door, taking a taste, then tossing them on the ground (good thing there are 26 letters)
* Making funny noises like a tree frog and doing weird clicking, twisty things with his tongue
* Listening to the sound the letter "Z" makes. If you make a noise like a bee (buzz) or say the word zebra, he just cracks up
* Playing with balls; eating them, banging them together, chasing them
* Knocking down block towers
* Playing with his big brother
* Food!

And things he doesn't like:

* Cuddling or being still
* Getting his diaper changed
* Food with a chunky texture
* Not getting to play with his own spoon while being fed
* Having the remotes taken away from him
* Being told "No!" when chewing on the air conditioning vents

But basically, he's a pretty mellow, happy baby...

1 comment:

Gabe and Layla's mommy said...

Hummm, his dislikes are amazingly akin to Layla's. Future soul mates maybe?