Friday, May 2, 2008

Field Journal: Weeks 14 & 15

I officially found something funny enough to laugh out loud for the first time on my 15-week birthday! Mommy was tickling me while changing my diaper and it made me laugh and giggle. I've gone back to my silent laughing, although now that Mommy and Poppy know I know how to laugh, I bet they will try harder to get me to do it.

I'm getting really good at grabbing things with my hands. I very slowly move my hand up and grab, then bring them to my mouth and gum them. I drool a lot now and have taken on my big brother's old secret superhero identity of Drool Man.

I'm sleeping pretty good at night, although my naps could use work. Poppy can't seem to break the 45-minute mark on naps. Hopefully I'll get better as I get older.

Mommy says it's amazing how much I look like my big brother. Can you tell which of these is me and which is Jake? I'll give you a hint: the first-born baby gets his mirror cleaned more often.

I'm also learning to appreciate music, just like my big brother. Here I am with his guitar (shhh, don't tell).

In other news, it's finally spring here in Wisconsin. I didn't know there was this green stuff on the ground called "grass" -- I thought the ground was supposed to be cold, fluffy and white! But it's been warm enough to go outside. Here I am with Mommy on my first hike.

That's all the news from here.

Love and spring-y kisses,


1 comment:

Gabe and Layla's mommy said...

No I totally wouldn't have been able to tell without the hint! they really do look just alike. Sorry A and D - they are all mommy - both of them! And just so cute!!!!!