Thursday, March 13, 2008

Field Journal: Week Eight

I have achieved a milestone in baby mobility: I rolled over from front to back!

It happened during the daily exercise session known as "Tummy Time" (silly name for something that's such hard work). The SFS put me on my tummy. I pushed my head and torso off the ground to look around a few times, then decided that I had had enough Tummy Time, thank you very much. So I pushed myself over onto my back and very happily started staring at the toys hanging from my arches of my play mat (something I greatly enjoy). The SFS clapped and made a big deal of it. I'm pretty proud, myself.

I've been a bit fussier at night lately. My tummy just gets upset and I have bad gas -- hey, you try coordinating an entire digestive system in just 8 weeks! I'm often up from 8 - 11 pm, which makes SFS very cranky. She's trying to keep me up more during the day, so I will be more tired at night but so far, it's not working.

In other news, it's getting warmer here in Madison. The Mommy and I went out for a stroll today and we weren't bundled up like Eskimos (whatever those are, but apparently they bundle up a lot). The world is changing from a vast sea of white and grey into other brown and tan. One day, I'll see green...

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