Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm Three Weeks Old

Hi, everyone! Can you believe I've been earthside a whole three weeks already?

I got off to a great start, born on a snowy winter day -- the same day as my cousin Amy, so hopefully I'll be as smart and cute as she is. I came out yelling but calmed down and have been taking everything in ever since. I'm really a pretty calm little guy, Mommy says, and Poppy thinks I'm a very good baby (he's right!).

I cried when I was born, but not much since (mostly when Poppy or Mommy changes my diaper; that makes me cold!). I do get gas sometimes now, which makes me fuss, but I still don't scream or cry very often. (Mommy is on antibiotics because she has mastitis, and it upsets my tummy a little.)

I latched on and learned to breastfeed right away. The nurses were very impressed with how strong a suck I have for being such a small baby (I was only 5 pounds, 11 ounces). I fed for the first time about half an hour after I was born and have been going strong ever since. I typically feed every two to three hours, although I've been known to cluster feed for up to two hours (not very often, though, as that is hard on Mommy).

Mommy's milk is helping me grow. At my one week check up, I was back to my birth weight. At my two week check up, I had gained almost a full pound, so I was up to 6 pounds, 8 ounces. The doctor was very impressed. I'm in the third percentile for weight, 25th for height (19 inches), and 10th for head circumference. The doctor says I'm proportional, so he thinks I'm just fine. Mommy is a little worried about my head size, because my brother's head was always so large, but the doctor says that is strongly inherited so I should blame Mommy, as her head is pretty small. I'm not sure what I weigh now, but I've just about outgrown my newborn clothes (up to eight pounds) and moved from newborn to size one diapers. Woo hoo!

I'm still pretty much in the eating, sleeping, pooping phase of life. I have an extended alert period at least once a day, where I like to look around and see what's going on, but mostly I like to eat and then go back to sleep. Mommy thinks that's fine, since I grow when I sleep. I'm learning not to confuse my days and nights, which is a big deal -- Mommy has been pretty zombie-like the last few weeks. I usually sleep at least one four-hour period at night now, which is a big help to Mommy. Personally, I don't care because hey, it's always cold and snowy so we don't go anywhere or see the sun, but it's a big deal to her.

Let's see...I can open my fists now, I can track objects from side-to-side (not up and down yet), I like to look at faces, and I can sleep through anything, including my big brother Jake playing his guitars and drums. He's very noisy! But he loves me, and gives me lots of kisses, hugs, and cuddles. He likes to hold me.

My first visitor was MeMe, who came to spend a week with me after I was born. She was a big help to Mommy and Poppy, doing laundry and cooking and letting Mommy and me rest and sleep. She admired and held me a lot, and played with my big brother. I miss her!

My second visitors were my brother's daddy, stepmom and half-brother. They lent me a swing, which was nice. Kyle, Jake's half brother, is just over a year old. Hard to believe that in a year, I'll be walking and talking like him.

I've gotten so many presents! Lots of cute toys and clothes and things. It's so nice to be loved and feel welcomed. Thanks to everyone for thinking about me.

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