Friday, February 22, 2008

Field Journal: Week Five

Here I am, the proverbial stranger in a strange land.

I'm getting used to this new body that keeps getting bigger, literally every day. I'm gaining an ounce or more daily and have already outgrown my "newborn" clothes. This is a good thing, but it's hard to get coordinated when every day you weigh more.

I'm learning, though; I can hold my head up by myself and I can lift my head and shoulders up off the ground when I'm on my tummy. I can bring my hands to my mouth and suck on my fists or thumb (you might think slobbering all over your own body parts is gross, but it is surprisingly soothing, actually). It's good to get a little bit of control. Before, I had completely involuntary reactions to certain things which were a bit embarrassing -- like throwing out my arms and legs when I was moved suddenly, or trying to "walk" when my feet were touched, or grabbing anything that touched my palm. I'm glad I'm learning to do things I want to do!

I'm also learning to connect with the Soft Food Source and the Comfy Hairy One. They seem to like it when I move my facial muscles in a way called "smiling." They get all excited and coo and babble at me in high voices, and smile back. I find myself fascinated by their faces. I can't see very well, but somehow the contrast of dark and light on a human face is very interesting to me right now. The Soft Food Source in particular is interesting to look at, although not when I'm actually eating. That is serious business and I can't make eye contact then. I like to look at the Comfy Hairy One, too, but his chest is so comfy that I almost always fall asleep or go into a blissed-out zone when he's holding me.

So far I seem to be adjusting well. I have some episodes of fussiness because my body doesn't always want to digest very well, but mostly my state of my mind is calm and alert, when I'm not sleeping. I sleep a lot, but that's when I grow, so it's okay, I suppose.

I also enjoy interacting with the Little Hugger (my big brother). He loves to hold me and love on me. I like being around someone closer to my own size -- I can look at him close up and see more than just a giant head. He's pretty noisy, although I like it when he plays something called "music."

I'll report more next week...

Love and gummy smiles,


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