Sunday, January 18, 2009

Charlie Pics

Here are a few pictures from late 2008:

Here's Charlie at Christmas time with Mommy and Jake. We had just finished decorating the tree, but neither boy felt much like smiling for some reason. Maybe it was because I made them wear matching sweaters?

We took Charlie to visit his Gram in Tennessee before Thanksgiving. She hadn't really seen him since he was born (as our last trip was cut so short) so it was great for her to see him, especially when he was so mobile and talkative. That was the weekend he started saying "Mama"--although of course, he stopped soon after and rarely brings it out now! Gram and Charlie had a good time together.

Charlie won't ever know his Uncle (Charles) Stuart, one of the people he's named for. Gram told us stories of how sweet and wonderful Stuart was with Alex (who was 15 or so years younger than his big brother).

Charlie's grandfather died when Alex was in college, so he won't know him except through stories and pictures. We visited a memorial cross dedicated to Charlie's grandpa at the church Alex's family attends.

Bathtime for the boys! They don't usually take baths together, as Charlie goes to bed so much earlier than Jake, but when they do, they have lots of fun splashing and pouring water out of the bath toy cups.

Charlie loves to play with Jake's old LeapFrog Refrigerator Magnet Alphabet. It's so fun to pull the magnetic letters on and off the fridge, then put them on the player and hear the letter sound! He likes to push the button and make the alphabet song play, although he nevers lets it get past "H" before he starts it over.

Charlie and Jake love to play together. Of course, Jake doesn't know his own strength and Charlie has no fear, so it's a little nervewracking, but they do crack each other up.

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