Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm Five Months Old!

Houston, we have....poopage!

I've been a little backed up lately, probably because Mommy changed my formula from the super-sweet, evil organic formula with corn sugar (thanks, Similac) to a different one. I haven't "gone" for a week but finally today, after a doctor's visit, prune juice, and the judicious use of a thermometer, I achieved relief. I am a MUCH happier baby. Mommy and Poppy think it's amazing that they have spent so much time and energy thinking about my poop.

In other news, I am really close to crawling. I can sort of inchworm my way forward to get a toy I want. (Mommy puts them just out of my reach and then keeps moving them.) I get frustrated, but I am so happy when I actually scoot forward and grab it! I'm getting good at sitting up and enjoy it more now. Mommy is going to try me in the high chair. Once I'm used to that, she has plans involving jarred carrots and rice cereal...

I'm basically a very happy baby. Everyone always comments on how cute and adorable I am. I love to flirt and will give complete strangers big, gummy, drooly smiles, charming them completely. I haven't met anyone I don't like.

This month should be pretty exciting -- my first plane ride, learning to crawl, sitting up, eating solids -- lots to do!

Excited, growing kisses...


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