Sunday, June 22, 2008


My latest accomplishment is blowing raspberries. It's so much fun! I particularly like it when I blow one, then Mommy does, then me, then Mommy...that's a game I can play for a long time. It's even more fun that twisting my tongue around, which used to be my favorite thing.

Picture Update

Just a few pics of Charlie Darlin'...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm Five Months Old!

Houston, we have....poopage!

I've been a little backed up lately, probably because Mommy changed my formula from the super-sweet, evil organic formula with corn sugar (thanks, Similac) to a different one. I haven't "gone" for a week but finally today, after a doctor's visit, prune juice, and the judicious use of a thermometer, I achieved relief. I am a MUCH happier baby. Mommy and Poppy think it's amazing that they have spent so much time and energy thinking about my poop.

In other news, I am really close to crawling. I can sort of inchworm my way forward to get a toy I want. (Mommy puts them just out of my reach and then keeps moving them.) I get frustrated, but I am so happy when I actually scoot forward and grab it! I'm getting good at sitting up and enjoy it more now. Mommy is going to try me in the high chair. Once I'm used to that, she has plans involving jarred carrots and rice cereal...

I'm basically a very happy baby. Everyone always comments on how cute and adorable I am. I love to flirt and will give complete strangers big, gummy, drooly smiles, charming them completely. I haven't met anyone I don't like.

This month should be pretty exciting -- my first plane ride, learning to crawl, sitting up, eating solids -- lots to do!

Excited, growing kisses...


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Field Journal: Week 20

I can't believe I'm 20 weeks old! (Actually, I can, but Mommy can't.)

I am now an accomplished roller-over-er. I can roll from my back to my front and back again. I mastered this skill over Memorial Day weekend and the very first thing I did was flip over so I could sleep on my stomach. Mommy wasn't happy, but she knows that once babies can turn over, you can't stop us from sleeping how we want to sleep. I love sleeping on my tummy, it's so cosy!

Speaking of sleep, I'm doing much better on my naps. I sleep for an hour and a half or more. Mommy explained to Poppy that he had to help me learn how to nap, and all about the magic of "shush-pat." So Poppy started doing "shush-pat" at the 45 minute mark, when I normally wake up, and has helped me learn to sleep longer. Sometimes I still need help but I'm getting much better. Mommy told Poppy that if he put the work in now, it would pay off in longer naps so he can get some writing done, and it has. Plus, I'm a happier baby now that I get longer naps, and more awake time in a good mood. It's still hard for me to go longer than 90 minutes awake, though, except in the evening. I take 2-3 longer naps a day plus one kitty nap if I need it. I usually go to bed anywhere from 5:30 - 7:30 pm, depending on how my day went, and sleep for about 12 hours. I still wake up a couple of times a night to eat, but I'm really good at going right back to sleep.

I'm usually in a pretty good mood. I like to smile and laugh. Poppy and I have lots of fun every day, being silly. Poppy reads the news to me, and plays with me. I like to roll around on my blanket on the floor, and bounce in my jumperoo, and gnaw on my toys.

I am an excellent gnawer; actually, more like a gummer, because I put my toys in my mouth and gum them to death. I drool them into submission. Mommy laughs because I like to talk to my toys while I gum them -- I will "talk" while I hold them, and then put them in my mouth, pull them out and talk some more, then drool on them...repeat as necessary. I'm very focused when I'm gumming my toys.

I'm becoming more aware of the people around me. I smile when I see people I love, like my brother. I also smile when strangers smile at me, which they do a lot because I am so cute. Everyone talks about my big dark eyes. I get very excited when my Mommy comes home from work (if only because she brings the milk wagon with her). And I love my Poppy, he can always soothe me and make me happy. I lift my arms up when Poppy comes to get me.

I went on a trip to Door County this past weekend. I had my first babysitter -- my big brother's grandma! She was very nice to me and we had fun. She does some funny stuff and made me laugh hysterically by pretending to be a bee and buzzing. Mommy and Poppy enjoyed having a couple of hours to themselves and I didn't miss them at all.

The rest of the trip was okay. I really did not like the car ride home. My routine was all out of whack and I just couldn't sleep in the car. I didn't like it, so I let Mommy and Poppy know. I cried for almost all of the trip. It was the first time in my life I cried and no one made me feel better. Mommy was pretty upset, but she knew that all we could do was just get home as fast as possible. She did say no more long car trips for a while!

That's the news from on my list: sitting up and crawling! (I'm working on it and I'm getting close....)

Love and cherry kisses,
