Monday, May 19, 2008

First Taste of Food

I do not like avocado, thank you very much.

May Photos

Here are some recent pictures of handsome me (well, Mommy thinks I'm gorgeous):

My brother Jake plays music for me. I like it a lot.

Here are Mommy and me at the Farmer's Market. That's the state capitol in the background.

I help Poppy write every morning...

My big brother Jake is showing me how to chew my Taggies blankie. Yum!

Mommy, Jake and me on Mother' Day

Four Months Old

Hurray! I'm four months old.

I had my check up today. I'm right in the 10th percentile for height, weight and head circumference: 12 pounds, 9 ounces, and 23 and 1/4 inches long. The dr. says I am growing really well and look completely in proportion.

The dr. was also very impressed with my large motor skills. I have excellent head and trunk control. The dr. thinks I could be sitting up by myself by the time I'm six months old! I was also very social for this visit, and tried out my charm. I can flirt and smile and coo like nobody's business. Dr. E. said I am quite advanced and he thought I was so funny, trying to talk. I make noises that almost sound like real words. I can also make bubbles.

I showed off my fine motor skills by grabbing a rattle and then putting it into my mouth. I'm really good at that!

I do have a little tightness in my neck -- one side of my head is flatter than the other. Dr. E told Mommy and Poppy how to do special exercises to loosen up my neck, but it's not anything to worry about.

All in all, I am perfectly healthy, happy, and growing just like I should.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Preeclampsia Walk

Did you know that although more than 200,000 pregnant women get preeclampsia every year, no one knows what causes this sometimes deadly disease? Very little research is being done to find out causes, and possible cures, for this disease, which can cause premature births, developmental disabilities or delays, or even death and permanent damage for mother and baby. The Preeclampsia Foundation works to raise awareness about preeclampsia, HELLP, and related diseases, with the goal of getting more moms and babies the help they need, and ultimately, finding the cause and cure.

Alex, Jake, Charlie and I will be participating in the Madison Walk-A-Thon on Saturday, May 31. Your pledge will help enormously. Please email me if you'd like to support our walk for babies and moms. Thanks!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Field Journal: Weeks 14 & 15

I officially found something funny enough to laugh out loud for the first time on my 15-week birthday! Mommy was tickling me while changing my diaper and it made me laugh and giggle. I've gone back to my silent laughing, although now that Mommy and Poppy know I know how to laugh, I bet they will try harder to get me to do it.

I'm getting really good at grabbing things with my hands. I very slowly move my hand up and grab, then bring them to my mouth and gum them. I drool a lot now and have taken on my big brother's old secret superhero identity of Drool Man.

I'm sleeping pretty good at night, although my naps could use work. Poppy can't seem to break the 45-minute mark on naps. Hopefully I'll get better as I get older.

Mommy says it's amazing how much I look like my big brother. Can you tell which of these is me and which is Jake? I'll give you a hint: the first-born baby gets his mirror cleaned more often.

I'm also learning to appreciate music, just like my big brother. Here I am with his guitar (shhh, don't tell).

In other news, it's finally spring here in Wisconsin. I didn't know there was this green stuff on the ground called "grass" -- I thought the ground was supposed to be cold, fluffy and white! But it's been warm enough to go outside. Here I am with Mommy on my first hike.

That's all the news from here.

Love and spring-y kisses,
