Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pics and More Pics

Here's Charlie when he first really learned to stand steadily on his feet. He started taking a couple of steps here and there, but mostly liked to cruise.

Charlie has lots of toys, as you can see! He has a basket in the living room and he likes to root around in there, pulling out toys. He has a whole box of nothing but balls...his favorite!

This is Charlie at Jake's 4th birthday party, waiting patiently for cake (which he didn't get). Charlie loves to eat, but anything with texture makes him gag.

Another one of Charlie standing up. He loves to play with his Leap Frog music table, just like his big brother did.

Here is Charlie in his first playground swing! We took the boys to a beautiful park nearby. Charlie liked being out and seeing other kids, and trying the swings.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Oh my. I am a bad, bad mommy. It's been nearly two months since I've updated Charlie's blog. A lot has happened!

The biggest news is that Charlie is walking! He took his first step a few weeks ago -- October 17, I believe, at exactly 9 months. He was pretty unsure about this new walking thing, although he loves to cruise. He got progressively bolder...moving all around the coffee table, then all around the BabyLand wall (the expandable gate we put up to block off part of the living room for his play area), then pushing his little push car. Then he would grab onto one of my hands (never two) and walk around holding on for balance. He also likes pushing around in a circle in his activity center (it has a seat on the outside, that rotates around the table).

Then he started taking little sideways steps this past weekend, a couple at a time -- almost like he was in a chorus line (grapevine left, cha cha cha...and jazz hands!) But last night, he let go and walked all the way across the living room from the sofa over to where Alex was sitting on the floor by the tv, waving one of his beloved plastic balls the whole way. Yay, Charlie! He gets so excited when we clap for him, he starts clapping, too. Too cute.

He's also finally gotten some teeth. He has four coming in and his bottom left poked through. Teething hasn't been too bad for him (nothing like the agony it was for/with Jake!). He gets a little cranky and drooly, but a dose of Tylenol usually does the trick and our sunny baby is back.

And he is a happy little guy. He just loves people, and his family, and his toys...just about everything. Including his part-time caregiver, Miss C. He adores her and they have a wonderful time playing together twice a week, so Poppy can get some writing done!

Charlie is eating three solid meals a day, but he still doesn't like textures much. In fact, if he eats anything with chunks or pieces, he gags and sometimes throws it right back up. Lovely. But he can put away 2-3 jars in a sitting of the pureed stuff. Of course, he eats nothing but organic baby food and formula. They have some fairly fancy pureed meals: chicken mango risotto, sweet peas with turkey and wild rice, sweet potato with chicken (his face), pear apple oatmeal cobbler...surprisingly yummy. We also buy him organic frozen baby food that gets even more exotic, with black beans, and quinoa and who knows what else. There's nothing Charlie doesn't like, so far. (Of course, that could all change. I fed Jake completely organic, healthy food and for two years he ate everything and anything. Now, I'm lucky to get him to eat anything but cereal.)

Charlie's favorite toys so far are balls. He has a collection of plastic balls that we keep in a clear plastic shoe box. He loves to take them out of the box, put them back in, shake the box, mouth the balls, bang the balls together, roll them around and chase them...the possibilities are endless. Some balls are colored plastic, but others are clear with different fascinating items inside. Those are the best.

He also loves blocks, his stacking rings, and his stacking cups (which go together to make a set of balls!) Anything that makes music is also intriguing to is his big brother. Charlie loves it when Jake pays attention to him.

Charlie is a pretty self-sufficient baby. He's very happy to play in Baby Land for quite a while, checking in with you to see what's going on, bringing over balls to share with you, but mostly amusing himself for long periods.

But he also loves people. Miss C takes him for walks, weather permitting, and Poppy takes him out and about. Wherever he goes, he makes friends. He's very smiling and happy. One of his first words was, "hey!" for "hi" and he likes to wave at people.

Speaking of words, he says, "Hey!" for "hi", "Bah!" for "ball" (his first word), "Rrrr!" for "ring," and "Dah!" for the T-rex model we pass on the stairs several times a day (he does love that t-rex). No "mommy" and "poppy" yet...He gives kisses, though. If you ask for a kiss, he'll come at your face with his mouth wide open to give you a sloppy wet kiss, usually on your nose.

He's still not sleeping through the night, but that's okay. He gets up usually once, and takes a full bottle. He's still pretty little--only in the 10th percentile for height, 5th for weight, and 25th for head circumference -- so we don't mind feeding him if he feels he needs it. At his 9 month check up, he was 27 inches long and just under 17 pounds. He's completely healthy though, and obviously thriving.

He's a smart little cookie. Do something once and he will remember it. And he likes to initiate games. Tonight, I was sitting on the floor and he was standing behind me, holding onto my shirt. I would say "Where's Charlie?" and try to look over my shoulder, and he would move to the other side, laughing. Then I'd say it again and look at the other side, and he'd move. When he wanted me to "find" him, he'd tug on my shirt, then laugh hysterically when I said, "There he is!" He likes to play "peek a boo" and "hide and seek" around the coffee table (it's solid so you can see through it). I get down on all fours and we crawl around, peeking around corners and chasing each other. Too funny.

He is such a sweetie pie. I love when I come home and his whole face lights up, and he gets so excited his whole body wiggles up and down. I can't help but grab him and give him kisses. I can't believe he's already nearly 10 months old!