Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Field Journal: Weeks 11, 12 & 13

Lots of changes the last few weeks!

Mommy went back to work. She went back part-time for two weeks, and now she is full-time. I miss her, but Poppy takes great care of me. He gives me love, cuddles, and bottles of Mommy's milk, so it's almost like she's here. Poppy reads to me a lot, and we play on my mat. It's fun! But I know Mommy misses me, and I like when she comes home. We always get special bonding time when my big brother is getting ready for bed. And of course, in the middle of the night when I wake up.

I still wake up every three hours or so, although I sometimes will sleep longer. Mommy wants me to get all the food I need to grow, but she really needs her sleep now that she's working. We had a couple of bad nights where I wouldn't go to sleep until 11:00 and then got up every two hours. Not good. But I'm getting better and more into a routine.

I added some new tricks to my repertoire: I can roll half way over from my back to my side. I haven't figured out how to go all the way over. I get distracted by all the toys on my mat and stop halfway.

I've also discovered my hands! They are so cool. I like looking at them and fondling them. I can sit in my bouncy seat or on my play mat for a long time, feeling my hands. I also try to put them in my mouth and gnaw and drool on them. And did you know you can grab things with hands? I've figured out how to grab rings and things on the arches of my play mat. Very fun!

My play mat is endlessly fascinating. It has an ocean theme and I like to talk to the stuffed octopus and the big blue whale. It even has a wndow with another baby in it -- and a very handsome one, at that (although Mommy says it's a mirror).

Anyway, I am just growing and thriving. Mommy says I'm the cutest little spring sprout ever!

Love and drooly kisses,
